Bed Wars Full Release


We are pleased to announce that Bed Wars is coming to KIG this week!

Mode rotation

You can play solos, duos, trios, and teams of 4.
We will rotate the team modes at least twice per season, but this may change in future updates.



We’re releasing the game with 13 maps! Here is a slideshow showcasing some of them.
Want to submit your own? Go here!


Make the game truly yours with a collection of over 40 fresh cosmetics!
You can purchase most of them, but you’ll have to prove yourself for the best ones.



While you’re facing your opponents, try to complete objectives to earn rewards!
The first version of Bed Wars includes more than 20 unique achievements.


Seasonal stats

In addition to the global leaderboard, you can also see the best players of the month.
You can check the seasonal leaderboard here.

Release date

Bed Wars will be released on Saturday, Oct 1 — just in time for the new season!
Stay tuned for announcements on our Discord server.

Special thanks

We’d like to thank our incredible council team, for giving us valuable feedback while designing the game. We really hope you’ll enjoy it!
Additionally, huge thanks to our build team, @syds, @Lord, spocky1000, and @Cherishes for building wonderful maps.


Super hyped. I hope everyone will enjoy it as much as I know I will.


This is gonna be great!