Event idea: Bloodpact

Here’s a simple concept for a TIMV event that I think would be fun to play, which I’ve named “Bloodpact”:

  1. For every 5 karma you get during a match, gain +1HP (aka half a heart) of maximum health, and automatically regenerate 1HP as well. This applies to all roles.

  2. Short splash regeneration potions added to chest loot tables replacing wooden swords.

Examples (common encounters)
  • Innocent kills a Traitor (+20 Karma) → Innocent gains 2 maximum hearts (10 → 12) and heals 2 hearts

  • Traitor kills an Innocent (+10 Karma) → Traitor gains 1 maximum heart (10 → 11) and heals 1 heart

  • Detective kills a Traitor (+25 Karma) → Detective gains 2.5 maximum hearts (10 → 12.5) and heals 2.5 hearts

  • Innocent kills another Innocent (-20 Karma) → Innocent loses 2 maximum hearts (10 → 8), no healing

  • Traitor kills 2 Innocent players and a Detective (+40 Karma) → Traitor gains 4 maximum hearts (10 → 11 → 12 → 14), and instant-heals 1 heart, 1 heart, and 2 hearts respectively.

What would make this a fun event?

This event would make fights longer and more entertaining, and incentivise players of every alignment to be more actively looking for kills during the match, especially the Traitor team, since they are the ones with the most Karma to gain.

Players would now be less incentivised to stay near the tester waiting for action to happen, since just staying there while the Traitor team gets extra health from kills around the map would make them less likely to win a future encounter with a coordinated Traitor team.

Skilled detectives would also be harder to kill, since they would be the role that has the most to gain from a single fight (2.5 hearts + healing + default detective rewards)…
I would think it twice before attacking a detective with 2 cats and 15 hearts!

And lastly, players would have to be more careful of who they attack: you don’t want to lose health for the whole match!

Why the healing & regeneration?

Just changing the maximum health of players would slow down the pace of the game, since a lot of traitors would want to wait until they’re fully healed before starting their next encounter.
Healing the same amount of health you gain after a kill, would make it so that the time you’d take to fully heal would be the same as before, and it might help you survive one more hit after an enemy comes to take you out after they see you win a fight (which makes for more epic fights).

However after some fights, you’d start to notice the pain of regenerating all those hearts, and that’s where the regeneration potions would come in handy! To accelerate the time between fights or to quickly use while retreating during a fight (call an ambulance… but not for me!)

Do you think this would make for a cool event? Let me know your thoughts below!

  • I would like to see this event!
  • I don’t really care
  • I would dislike seeing this event.
0 voters
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Yo I’m glad to see an event idea being suggested and I can’t lie man, at first I wasn’t really liking this idea. I do have a couple concerns regarding balancing: if a Traitor teams starts cooking early game then it’s kinda over for the Innocents and a Detective with extra hearts + a cat + regen pots could be OP. It would be a lot easier for Traitors to break their most karma in a game record so for this event getting a new most karma record should be disabled. That being said, in regular TIMV, personally it can be a bit annoying to get 2 or 3 shot by someone with no chance of making a comeback so I think an event like this could be fun. I’d also like to see what other players think so I hope quite a few people vote in the survey and drop their opinions.

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I do agree that the most karma record should be disabled for this event, but I don’t think the extra hearts would make the gameplay traitor-sided, after all, the innocent players still outnumber the traitors by a lot (3 to 1), yes, maybe someone can be very skilled and constantly reach 15-18 hearts every game (50-80 karma), but by that point the innocent team should have already noticed they are a traitor and that Traitor would still be at a heart disadvantage on a 1v2 or 1v3, and if multiple people are shooting at you, you still need to outplay them to beat them. Yes, the snowball effect would be big enough to change the outcome of fights, just like the difference between a Stone Sword and an Iron Sword, but I don’t think it would be big enough for the Innocent & Detectives to be defenseless if the Traitor team does very well at the start.

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There needs to be a limit to how many hearts a Traitor can get. If a good player starts rolling, getting a couple quick kills early game as a Traitor, 12 hearts with a claymore and 2-3 regen pots is really gonna snowball especially when their total health and number of regen pots is only going to go up with the kills they get. There are plenty of good players now that can get 100+ karma games on a weekly basis in just regular TIMV. This event will definitely benefit Traitors the most which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, since it’s good to have Traitor favored events occasionally. The issue with as it is right now, is that if the Innocents aren’t able to kill a Traitor early game to counter a steamrolling Traitor then it could be cooked for the Innocents. A couple friends also commented that self claymoring as a Traitor could be broken since you’ll be increasing your total health per kill you get with the claymore.

In regards to adding a hard limit in the amount of hearts a player can have, I wouldn’t complain if this limit was set to 20 hearts to avoid players feeling like they can’t ever kill someone, and I just say 20 hearts because I think that would be easier to remember and to understand than any other arbitrary number (since it’d be exactly 2 rows of hearts).
In regards to claymores, I must admit I also fear the potential that they could have during the event, since with enough health, traitors could outlive them without even having to block with their swords, and get enough points to place another claymore in the future, giving them a repeatable loop. My first thought was just to outright buff the damage from Suicide Bombs & Claymores so that they die from them, but for claymores that would make people unable to survive the explosion damage while blocking with their swords, so traitors could just use this to block themselves off on certain spots of the maps (like placing claymores in front of doors). So these are some ideas in regards to solve the claymore problem:

  • a) Kill the player if they lose 20HP on an explosion: Make it so when an explosion happens, if the explosion would’ve done at least 10 hearts of damage, kill the player no matter their health, but if it did less than 10 hearts, keep the damage the same.

  • b) Turn explosion damage into a percentage of health: (no idea if this would be possible to do) change the damage of explosions from a fixed number to a percentage. Did you block with your sword and therefore would only receive 7.5 hearts of damage? (or whatever the exact number is), then receive 75% of your maximum health as damage, so if you had a max of 20 hearts, the explosion would damage you 15 hearts. Were you instead far away from the explosion so you’d only receive 3 hearts of damage? Make the explosion take 30% of your health. Do you only have 10 maximum hearts? Well then this doesn’t affect you, since 30% of 10 hearts is still 3 hearts.

  • c) Increasing the price of claymores for the event: since claymores would be too op, we could just decrease their availability by making them more expensive so that they are not infinitely farmable, but that would also make it harder for traitors to get their first claymore (and for most, their only claymore)

  • d) Outright disabling them: nobody can abuse claymores if they don’t exist! They are already the most used item, let other items shine for a while!

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I would love to see this event in the game! Given that the suggestions and good logistics brought up by Ausker are addressed and incorporated into the event, I think this could be a really fun idea! Ensuring that it is fully fun and fair will positively influence other players’ opinions and could potentially lead to it becoming a more regular event, similar to (Jester). I also agree that the most karma game record should be temporarily disabled to ensure a fair environment. :slight_smile: Nice idea!

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