New role: sleeper agent

It would work like this: there would be a 1 in 10 chance that one of the traitors is replaced by a sleeper agent. No one would know who it is, not even the agent themselves. It wouldn’t be announced at the start, the only way to know that a sleeper agent is in the game is by knowing the number of traitors/players. it would get activated by a traitor dying, and when it happens, it would get announced in the chat with a message like this: “A traitor died… The sleeper agent is now active!” After activating, it would function exactly like a traitor.
if you have any questions ask in the comments!

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Your idea sounds interesting and it could be fun to play with as you would have to re-gain the trust of people that already trusted in you and would give the traitors a bigger chance to win after they are in a losing position because of the lose of one of their teammates. However, if this happened in all the matches with more than 10 people, adding it would mean increasing the traitor’s chance to win drastically (if it’s an additional traitor) or decreasing it (if you decrease the initial amount of traitors by 1 to have one appear later). If this is ever added I think it should only happen in matches where:
-There’s a big proportion of innocent players in comparison with traitors at the start of the match (for example when you start a match with 7 players, there’s only 1 traitor; after he died someone random of the survivors could become a traitor and make the match more interesting).
-A lot of traitors died but there’s still a lot of innocents alive. It can be very hard to win a match where you are a minority like 2 traitors to 15 players because one or more of your teammates died early, and it could give you a bigger chance to still win the match.

I would love to see your idea or something simmilar implemented into the game!

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