Hello everyone! We’re The Look Egg Team (Admirele, Commmodore, LabyFlan, Lord_Eryn, Spuding, and strwbri) and we’re back with another map we’ve built for Trouble in Mineville: Withering Realms.
We wanted to build a TIMV map with a completely unique theme, and we decided to work with Minecraft’s Nether and End dimensions. Since no maps on KIG so far have a similar theme, we thought this would be a fun addition.
The challenge with this, of course, is that Minecraft 1.8 has a rather limited block palette for both of these dimensions. We had to find some way to enhance the vanilla appearance, while making sure these dimensions still had the blocks and structures that make them recognizable. We accomplished this by creating a fortress in the Nether with towers and bridges connecting them, and used obsidian as the basis for buildings in the End. We ended up with these two dimensions nicely interconnected, and an adaptation of each that is based on the vanilla appearance, but takes advantage of other colors and blocks to set it apart.
The map contains 110 chests, 4 ender chests and no enchanting table. There is a traitor trap located in the secondary staircase of the main tower (right behind the tester), which should open up the floor of the tester and drop anyone inside all the way down to the ground floor where there is a pool of lava. The tester area is halfway up the tower in one of the staircases, where there are many escape routes and places to attack from, while also being a smaller area so that players are discouraged from grouping up.
There is one main tower that connects both the dimensions, as well as two tunnels that seamlessly integrate into the play area, and are divided by a portal structure in each. There is also a secret ladder parkour which can be used on the outside of the tower to move between dimensions. The Nether is built inside of the End island, which has a wall surrounding it to prevent players from getting out of the playable area. The End contains the top of the main tower, as well as two additional obsidian pillars which have staircases inside of and a bridge connecting them that allows players to see across the dimension. The hilly and somewhat chaotic terrain of the End is used to make PVP encounters more interesting, and also to obstruct view so that traitors can get kills without being seen too easily. We think that this will allow players with many different play-styles to enjoy this map.
A walkthrough of the map can be viewed here. A screenshot gallery showcasing the map with shaders is also available here.
We’d like to thank our whole team for contributing to this project. This has taken a considerable amount of work over the past months, and we hope that the community will enjoy it. We also want to hear community feedback on our map so that we can make improvements to it! Thanks for taking a look.